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The digital collectible platform for loyalty, rewards, events and brand partnerships

CounterTEN is a loyalty, retail promotion, and event management platform that allows web3 assets to be put directly into an Apple or Google wallet, and verified using a QR code.

Super Bowl Concept NFT
Island travel NFT
Basketball team pass

Brand Names used for demonstration purposes only and do not represent contracts under negotiation.

Loyalty and Rewards Done Right!

The collectible craze is a growing phenomenon. CounterTEN has developed a platform that allows brands to deepen their relationship with customers far beyond what is currently available in the collectible marketplace. CounterTEN provides flexibility to any brand looking to increase revenue, create engagement, or both. The possibilities are endless.

Why CounterTEN?

Complete Control over the Collectible Creation Process
Customize the number of collectible drops, price and quantity - and access a full design studio to make every collectible look spectacular.
Direct Embed for Added Security
Provide customers with a dedicated collectible purchase page, or better yet, embed the collectible directly on your website using a few lines of JavaScript. We put an end to scams and fraud.
Download Collectibles to your Apple/Google Wallet
Let your customers download their collectibles directly to their Apple or Google wallets using our patent-pending technology - exactly as they would a boarding pass or prepaid store card.
Instant Verification IRL
Verify collectibles instantly using our patent-pending QR code verification system. No specialized hardware or software is required - and collectible authenticity and ownership is displayed in seconds.
Oh, and did we mention...
that setting up a collectible on our platform is 100% FREE, Nada, $0.00, Bure (that's FREE in Swahili)? No gas fees ever! Our transaction fee only kicks in when a collectible is purchased by a customer, which means that the only time WE make money is when YOU make money.
The Apes are Bored. They want to do something IRL

Store your Collectibles on your Phone

NFT ownership and stats
Download Collectibles to your Apple / Google Wallet
Customers are familiar with downloading boarding passes and gift cards to their Apple/Google Wallets. CounterTEN adopts the same model to showcase and verify purchased collectibles. And they can be branded with your company's logo and any image representing the collectible - or branded using a selection of over 5,000 beautiful icons, each one available in a choice of many colors.
Utility Tokens and Pure Collectibles Live Happily Together
CounterTEN offers many types of collectibles. Customers can curate their collection by showcasing collectibles in their Apple/Google wallet. Branded collectibles live together and are viewable separately from other collections. So, whether a person is showcasing their collectibles - or using utility collectibles for exclusive access - everything is beautifully arranged and easy to use.
Secure and Independently Verifiable
Verify any collectible using the QR code on the digital pass. The validity of the collectible and the owner of the associated digital wallet is shown immediately on the device scanning the QR code. Verification takes seconds and no specialized hardware of software is required.
Add to Apple Wallet
Sample Coffee VIP NFT
Add to Google Wallet
NFT QR Code Scanner

Target Markets

Built on the Solana Blockchain
Support for Polygon

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